icici bank limited chaunta branch details
ICICI BANK LIMITED has a network of 7239 branch(es) in India. Currently there are 1 branch(es) in LUDHIANA state. The details of CHAUNTA branch in CHAUNTA of LUDHIANA district in LUDHIANA state are shown below. There are 1 branch(es) in CHAUNTA. You can contact the bank via its contact us page given in official website link given below. The bank has provided telephone number STD Code:1874, 502022 to contact the branch.
IFSC | |
Branch | CHAUNTA |
City | CHAUNTA |
District | LUDHIANA |
State | LUDHIANA |
Contact Numbers | STD Code:1874, 502022 |
Verify above given details at following site: Official RBI Records
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Some trivia from Wikipedia
Ludhiana (Punjabi pronunciation: [lʊdiˈɑːnə] ) is the most populous and the largest city in the Indian state of Punjab. The city has an estimated population of 1,618,879 as of the 2011 census and distributed over 310 km2 (120 sq mi), making Ludhiana the most densely populated urban centre in the state. It is a major industrial center of Northern India, referred to as the India's Manchester by BBC.It stands on the old bank of Sutlej River, that is now 13 kilometres (8.1 mi) to the south of its present course. The Union Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs has placed Ludhiana on the 48th position among the top 100 smart cities and has been ranked as one of the easiest city in India for business according to the World Bank.
Ludhiana (Punjabi pronunciation: [lʊdiˈɑːnə] ) is the most populous and the largest city in the Indian state of Punjab. The city has an estimated population of 1,618,879 as of the 2011 census and distributed over 310 km2 (120 sq mi), making Ludhiana the most densely populated urban centre in the state. It is a major industrial center of Northern India, referred to as the India's Manchester by BBC.It stands on the old bank of Sutlej River, that is now 13 kilometres (8.1 mi) to the south of its present course. The Union Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs has placed Ludhiana on the 48th position among the top 100 smart cities and has been ranked as one of the easiest city in India for business according to the World Bank.