syndicate bank channi himmat jammu branch details
SYNDICATE BANK has a network of 4381 branch(es) in India. Currently there are 5 branch(es) in JAMMU AND KASHMIR state. The details of CHANNI HIMMAT JAMMU branch in JAMMU of CHANDIGARH district in JAMMU AND KASHMIR state are shown below. There are 2 branch(es) in JAMMU. You can contact the bank via its contact us page given in official website link given below. The bank has not provided telephone number to contact the branch.
This bank branch is either closed or renamed or the bank has merged with another bank. The information provided is outdated and only for historical reference only. Be absolutely sure before undertaking any transaction based on information given below. The details are found to be removed from RBI public information records.
IFSC | |
City | JAMMU |
District | CHANDIGARH |
Contact Numbers |
Verify above given details at following site: Official RBI Records
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(Maps may not accurately show actual locations for some banks)
Some trivia from Wikipedia
Syndicate Bank was one of the oldest and major commercial banks of India. It was founded by Upendra Ananth Pai, T. M. A. Pai and Vaman Srinivas Kudva. At the time of its establishment, the bank was known as Canara Industrial and Banking Syndicate Limited. The bank, along with 13 major commercial banks of India, was nationalised on 19 July 1969, by the government of India. It was headquartered in the university town of Manipal, India. On 1 April 2020, the bank was merged into Canara Bank.
Chandigarh () is a city, district and union territory in India that serves as the joint capital of the two neighbouring states of Punjab and Haryana. Chandigarh is bordered by the state, the west and the south, and by the state of Haryana to the east. It constitutes the bulk of the Chandigarh Capital Region or Greater Chandigarh, which also includes the adjacent satellite cities of Panchkula and Mohali. It is located 260 km (162 miles) north of New Delhi, 110 km (68 miles) southwest of Shimla and 229 km (143 miles) southeast of Amritsar. Chandigarh is one of the earliest planned cities in post-independence India and is internationally known for its architecture and urban design. The master plan of the city was prepared by Swiss-French architect Le Corbusier, which built upon earlier plans created by the Polish architect Maciej Nowicki and the American planner Albert Mayer. Most of the government buildings and housing in the city were designed by a team headed by Le Corbusier, Jane Drew and Maxwell Fry. Chandigarh's Capitol Complex—as part of a global ensemble of Corbusier's buildings—was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO at the 40th session of the World Heritage Conference in July 2016.Chandigarh has grown greatly since its initial construction, and has also driven the development of two satellite cities in its neighbouring states. The metropolitan area of Chandigarh, Mohali and Panchkula collectively forms a "tri-city", with a combined population of over 1,611,770. The city has one of the highest per capita incomes in the country. The union territory has one of the highest Human Development Index among Indian states and territories. In 2015, a survey by LG Electronics ranked it as the happiest city in India on the happiness index. In 2015, an article published by BBC named Chandigarh one of the few master-planned cities in the world to have succeeded in terms of combining monumental architecture, cultural growth, and modernisation.
Useful links / information.
There are additional 1 banks which have branches in CHANDIGARH district of JAMMU AND KASHMIR state as detailed below:
Bank | Click on View |